Tag: strategy

  • When Slow is the Way To Go in PR and Marketing

    When Slow is the Way To Go in PR and Marketing

    My colleague Philip Anast recently shared some advice from the Wall Street Journal via the Advisory Board regarding situations “where it’s better to slow down at work.” Let’s be honest: In the hyper-paced world of healthcare public relations and marketing, where there’s a product rollout, speaker submission, or awards deadline around every corner, the notion…

  • Only Fools Rush In: What Marketing & Communications Professional Need To Know About Threads

    Only Fools Rush In: What Marketing & Communications Professional Need To Know About Threads

    Now that it looks like the much-anticipated but always-farfetched Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg cage fight is unlikely to happen, we’ll all have to settle for X vs. Threads. By now, we all know that Threads is Meta’s answer to Musk’s struggling X (formerly Twitter), which continues to deteriorate amid plunging advertising revenue and rising…

  • Navigating The Changing Digital Health Landscape: How PR Can Help

    Navigating The Changing Digital Health Landscape: How PR Can Help

    The media times, they are a-changin’. With much-needed apologies to Bob Dylan, we are indeed in the midst of a “historic media transformation,” which has created “unprecedented challenges” for leaders and executives across virtually all industries, according to the Harvard Kennedy School. In an era of political, technological, and social upheaval that has led to…

  • And The Award Winner Is…You!

    And The Award Winner Is…You!

    Industry awards that recognize a company’s achievement are a valuable, yet sometimes overlooked, component of a successful PR campaign. Winning is fun – but that’s not the only reason to consider seeking industry recognition for your organization, products and services, and employees. Winning an industry award is an excellent way to promote your brand and…

  • Why Down Times Call for More Marketing, Not Less

    Why Down Times Call for More Marketing, Not Less

    Tips From The A-Team The foreman of an orchard reported to the owner that the trees were growing fewer apples and only on the higher and harder-to-reach branches. What should we do, the foreman asked. Let’s spend less on ladders, the owner said. That doesn’t make sense, but many businesses react similarly during economic downturns…

  • Employee Brand Advocacy: Why Your Brand Needs It & 3 Steps To Get Started

    Employee Brand Advocacy: Why Your Brand Needs It & 3 Steps To Get Started

    Brand advocacy is not a new idea, but many brands are still lacking the momentum behind it. As we move into 2023, brand advocacy should be a vital part of your marketing strategy. In fact, according to Edelman Trust Barometer, employee advocacy-related leads converted seven times more often than other types of leads. At Amendola,…

  • Six Considerations When Evaluating A PR Agency

    So, you want to engage a PR agency to help get the word out about your solutions or services. Sounds like a plan. Sounds easy. But the process can be daunting, time-consuming, and expensive. And, most importantly, it may not help you achieve your goals. If this sounds oddly pessimistic coming from someone in an…

  • Why Strategy Matters (but Action Matters More) When It Comes to PR

    Why Strategy Matters (but Action Matters More) When It Comes to PR

    We’ve all heard of analysis paralysis the state of over-analyzing or over-thinking a situation so much that a decision is never made and the outcome is impacted. Recently I’ve been witnessing a curious yet similar phenomenon at healthcare IT companies across the country and the analysis paralysis is all about “strategy.” As in overall corporate…