The media times, they are a-changin’.
With much-needed apologies to Bob Dylan, we are indeed in the midst of a “historic media transformation,” which has created “unprecedented challenges” for leaders and executives across virtually all industries, according to the Harvard Kennedy School.
In an era of political, technological, and social upheaval that has led to disinformation and mistrust, “convincing data and compelling ideas are no longer enough for leaders to prevail in the public square,” according to the Kennedy School.
To cite just one data point that illustrates changing attitudes about media, consider a recent survey from Pew Research Center. The survey found that young adults (aged 18 -29) trust information from social media sites (50%) almost as much as information from national news (56%). This stands in sharp contrast to adults aged 65 and over, with 67% trusting information from national news and just 20% trusting social media.
The healthcare industry is not immune to these seismic changes. For example, digital health companies play a pivotal role in helping transform the industry by making healthcare more efficient and accessible, while improving patient outcomes. Unfortunately, many organizations struggle to rise above a cluttered marketplace to truly make an impact.
However, a comprehensive PR approach can represent the difference between a digital health company getting noticed and falling through the cracks.
“An effective PR strategy helps organizations get noticed in a packed, multifaceted field like healthcare and find their niche through relevant content and thought leadership,” said Yancey Casey, senior account director. “It also helps address the complex challenges unique to healthcare, such as regulatory and ethical issues, and to communicate the benefits and risks of using healthcare technology.”
“PR helps digital health founders increase their visibility and reach a wider audience, ultimately driving more engagement and adoption of their services and solutions,” added Marcia Rhodes, vice president.
Amendola’s public relations experts bring decades of combined experience and expertise in helping healthcare companies navigate the constantly changing digital media landscape. The following are some best practices shared by our thought leaders.
Stake out a clear position in the market: “Digital health is a crowded media landscape, and having a clear positioning can help a company cut through the clutter,” said Mardi Larson, senior account director. “Be sure to revisit positioning documents regularly – quarterly if possible. Digital health is moving at a rapid pace with new players and new technologies being launched daily, morphing the space at each step, and the fast-paced evolution can impact these foundational communication materials.”
Spread the PR message through multiple channels: “Using a combination of written content, media interviews and social media, PR professionals can showcase the expertise of leaders, their awareness of new trends, their insights on how new trends are impacting the industry, and their predictions for future trends,” said Michelle Noteboom, senior account and content director. “By positioning the organization and its executives as trusted and well-informed industry leaders who are prepared for on-going innovation, PR teams can help build a company’s credibility, attract new partners and clients, and foster customer trust and loyalty.”
Prioritize trust and transparency: “The skepticism surrounding AI has arisen almost as swiftly as the technology itself, compelling stakeholders to navigate through many AI-related claims, some of which may lack precision,” said Janet Mordecai, senior account director. “Drawing from interactions with clients seeking to distinguish themselves amidst the din of AI skepticism, a pivotal strategy has been the creation of lucid and concise messages that address how AI is being used to obtain and integrate patient data in compliance with existing regulations and ultimately transform care. A focused and unwavering public relations strategy is essential to building trust and should center on transparency about a company’s AI technology, processes, and applications.”
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