Tag: target audience

  • Learn To Speak The Language Of Your Client’s (Many) Target Audiences

    Learn To Speak The Language Of Your Client’s (Many) Target Audiences

    Healthcare PR and marketing agency pros work with multiple clients at a time. That’s a lot of technologies, services, business strategies, marketing messages, workflows, timelines, and personalities to understand and manage.   It’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed because healthcare technology clients by definition are working on cutting-edge technologies that can be challenging to…

  • Know Your Audience: The Fine Line Between Technical Language And Jargon

    Know Your Audience: The Fine Line Between Technical Language And Jargon

    One of the foundational PR rules that any communications professional learns is to avoid the use of jargon –  the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group, as defined by Merriam-Webster. In my years working in PR for healthcare and health IT organizations, this has been a permanent item on my…

  • Kindly Do The Needful: Coping With Outcomes Anxiety

    Kindly Do The Needful: Coping With Outcomes Anxiety

    In healthcare, we’re always talking about improving patient outcomes, clinical and financial outcomes, or even the mind-numbing phrase ‘operational outcomes,’ whatever that means. Recently, I’ve been thinking about the intersection of language and performance anxiety, and I keep circling around the concept of what I’ve been calling outcomes anxiety. Our inability to control the future…

  • The Key To Writing Marketing Copy That Gets Results

    Successful marketers are persuasive. Whatever their medium – print, audio, video – the content and messages they create consistently prompt their target audience to take action. There are multiple schools of thought about effective marketing, not to mention plenty of marketing and copywriting “experts” (legit or self-proclaimed) willing to offer you their insights through books,…

  • 6 Ways Trade Outlets Trump National Media for B2B Marketing and PR

    6 Ways Trade Outlets Trump National Media for B2B Marketing and PR

    Whenever we ask clients about their “dream placement,” national media (especially the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal) always top the list. These multi-platform outlets, after all, attract millions of eyeballs on a daily basis. Although there is no denying the substantial publicity boost a mainstream media outlet can bring, trade pubs and…