Tag: SEO

  • Writing For Humans And Search Engines Like Google Is Not Mutually Exclusive

    Writing For Humans And Search Engines Like Google Is Not Mutually Exclusive

    When I served as Content Marketing Director for a telehealth startup, I learned a lot. Mostly, I discovered it’s possible to write great content for people’s enjoyment, education, and readability, while also writing for search engines like Google. This was during the pandemic, and telehealth was taking off in a big way as a crucial…

  • You Still Have To Write For Humans (And Not Just Eighth Graders)

    You Still Have To Write For Humans (And Not Just Eighth Graders)

    Anyone who has been in marketing eventually is advised to “write like an eighth grader.” People who offer this advice may cite legitimate literacy studies showing that the “average American” reads at the level of a seventh- or eighth-grader. If that is true (especially since more than 90% of adult Americans 25 years or older…

  • Marketing In a COVID World

    In mid-May we talked about the emergence of a new normal in public relations and marketing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Media coverage of the virus has become all-consuming in the intervening four months.  Over 100 million pieces of news focused on COVID-19 have appeared. In just one sampled day, 340,000 came from…

  • Walking the Tightrope between Great Content and SEO

    It may not quite be Lincoln and Douglas, or even great taste/less filling. But the debate about which is more important to a brand’s online presence great content or search engine optimization (SEO) continues to rage on. On one side you have the writers. Especially the “old school” writers (like me) who launched their careers…

  • Have press releases seen their day?

    Have press releases seen their day?

    Entrepreneur recently ran a scathing article blasting press releases titled, Is Sending Out a Press Release Really Worth the Money? The article questions the value businesses receive from issuing press releases, calling releases “borderline useless,” serving mainly as a way for PR agencies to fleece clients. I beg to differ. As someone who has been…