Tag: research

  • Write 200 Lousy Words Per Day, That’s It

    Writing is drudgery for many people, which is part of the reason our clients let us do some of that writing for them. Often, the hardest part is just getting started, even if you write for a living. As I’ve described before in this blog, at the start of a writing project we may become…

  • Research: Be Careful What You Link To

    Stats and other evidence can look great at first, but after a little digging…not so much A big part of the content we create for clients, whether it is a blog post, bylined article, white paper, or even an infographic, is research. It can be a collaborative process where the client will recommend statistics or…

  • Substance Over Spin

    Despite all of the metrics and data at our fingertips these days, public relations is still more art than science when it comes to attaining the ultimate goal: media coverage. Sure, reports that show impact after the fact are indispensable and all the information at our fingertips has made the task of gathering this analysis…