Tag: relationships

  • Beating the Odds When Pitching Trade Show Media Interviews

    It sounds like a simple request: we’re going to be at such-and-such conference or event and we want to secure some media interviews while we’re there. It makes sense, since trade show media interviews have been a staple of public relations pretty much since Glogg launched the wheel at the first Prehistoric Transportation Expo. The…

  • Let’s Bring the Human Connection Back to Communication

    We’ve all seen articles in the press about overuse of social media and technology by our kids and teens. It’s absolutely pervasive in school, during classes, and in many homes. I’ve had numerous conversations with my high school sophomore about her generation’s overuse of technology as a communications tool and how it’s leading to shortfalls…

  • The Basics of Healthy, Happy Relationships

    Building relationships with journalists takes time. Smashing them to pieces takes little time at all. One terrible, irrelevant pitch and you could end up on a journalist’s blacklist and that isn’t where you want to be. Because as any good media relations guru will tell you, we need journalists more than they need us. To…