Tag: Messaging

  • Your Corporate Messaging Needs A Makeover

    Your Corporate Messaging Needs A Makeover

    Recently, I was listening to a podcast featuring the CEO of a healthcare tech company that’s doing fantastic things in a new way—an actual innovator, as much as that word is overused. The podcast wasn’t sponsored, so the line of questioning was broad and geared toward thought leadership. In response to the host’s first question,…

  • To Build Brand Loyalty And Be A Valued Partner, Join Your Customer’s Mission

    To Build Brand Loyalty And Be A Valued Partner, Join Your Customer’s Mission

    Are you talking at your customers, or are you speaking their language and partnering on their mission? This is a question that every marketer, communicator and sales team member should be asking regularly. We all have some level of brand loyalty in our lives. For me, those brands are Nike, Honda, Jersey Mike’s, Apple, Aurora…

  • Six Considerations When Evaluating A PR Agency

    So, you want to engage a PR agency to help get the word out about your solutions or services. Sounds like a plan. Sounds easy. But the process can be daunting, time-consuming, and expensive. And, most importantly, it may not help you achieve your goals. If this sounds oddly pessimistic coming from someone in an…

  • The Key To Writing Marketing Copy That Gets Results

    Successful marketers are persuasive. Whatever their medium – print, audio, video – the content and messages they create consistently prompt their target audience to take action. There are multiple schools of thought about effective marketing, not to mention plenty of marketing and copywriting “experts” (legit or self-proclaimed) willing to offer you their insights through books,…

  • 5 Helpful PR Tips for Rebranding

    Many healthcare technology companies are choosing to rebrand because of the impact that the novel coronavirus has had on the healthcare ecosphere. Capabilities or focus points which may not have been on the forefront before this year-long industry earthquake are now front and center. Clear company identities and market differentiators have never been more important.…

  • Taking the Animal House Approach to HIMSS20

    When news came down the Thursday before HIMSS20 was set to begin that the conference had been cancelled due to covid-19 concerns, it was tough to tell whether that loud sigh that rippled across America was relief or exasperation. On the one hand, everyone who was on pins and needles waiting to see if their…

  • “Please Tell Me It’s Not Another Report” What a Clinical Discussion Taught Me about PR

    We work in a niche part of PR healthcare with a heavy focus on technology so as you can imagine we have extremely nuanced discussions about the work that our clients do. This includes how their technology, service or offering impacts the world, what differentiates it from competitors and why providers, payers or employers need…

  • Personalized Marketing: Are You Talking to Me?

    The competition for consumers’ time is more critical than ever as they continue to be bombarded with the “noise” of messaging and advertisements in nearly every facet of life. According to Forbes, the average person is exposed to 4,000 10,000 advertisements each day.  Without a strong, compelling message your brand is likely to get overlooked…

  • Time to Spring Clean Your PR Strategy

    The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the flowers and trees are blooming. It’s that time of the year when I think about Spring cleaning, especially living in Atlanta where everything inside and out is covered in pollen. As I was dusting my entire house last weekend trying to rid it of the…

  • Podcasts: 4 Tips to Prepare for a Great Guest Interview

    Podcasts: 4 Tips to Prepare for a Great Guest Interview

    Someday, you may be able to tell your grandchildren you lived through the golden age of podcasts. From the humble beginnings of first being listed in iTunes in 2005 to the emergence of “Serial” as the medium’s first breakout star in 2014, podcasts have evolved from “the nichiest, wonkiest content platforms to a star-studded, self-contained…