Tag: healthcare communications

  • Fire Your Inner Critic

    Fire Your Inner Critic

    Most of us are our own worst critics. It’s easy to understand why. After all, no one knows us better than us. Who better to uncover and critique all our foibles, follies and failures than our own inner critic? There’s a fine line, of course, between self-criticism and self-awareness. Maturity requires that we view ourselves…

  • What the Princess Bride Can Teach Republicans About Health Reform PR

    What the Princess Bride Can Teach Republicans About Health Reform PR

    Dear Republicans, welcome to the Health Reform PR Fire Swamp (HRPRFS)! Like the Fire Swamp from the Princess Bride, the HRPRFS features several obstacles that did tremendous damage to the Affordable Care Act. As Republicans are hurtling forward with their ACA replacement bill, now called the American Health Care Act, it’s time to reflect on…