Tag: Forbes Agency Council

  • Get Real: Making the Most of Virtual Events

    Many healthcare, life sciences and healthcare IT marketers may not realize it, but virtual events (such as online-only conferences) are not new. They’ve actually been around for roughly a decade – starting right about the time broadband connections became ubiquitous. But you never heard about them? That’s not surprising, because they were pretty much treated…

  • Blinders Off: The Value of Performing a Marketing Audit

    One of the late George Carlin’s most famous comedy bits was his list of oxymorons, or as he put it words that don’t go together with other words. He used examples such as ‘jumbo shrimp’, ‘exact estimate’ and ‘military intelligence’ to make his point. There is one more phrase I’d like to add to the…

  • Bringing A More Data-Driven Approach to PR Campaigns

    As the presidential election cycle heats up we are hearing more and more about how certain campaigns are making (and have made) imaginative use of data to help boost their candidates’ chances of success. A good example is a story I heard recently about the early stages of Michael Bloomberg’s now-abandoned campaign. According to the…

  • Using Thought Leadership to Make Your Organization Appear Larger Than Life

    Throughout my career, whenever I have done a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis with a health IT startup one of the most common weaknesses or threats their executives offer is the small size of their organizations. They may have the greatest innovation in healthcare since the Xray, but they fear it’s going to be…

  • How Social Media Can Make Or Break Your Business’s Reputation

    Jodi Amendola Forbes Councils Member Forbes Agency Council COUNCIL POST | Paid Program Leadership POST WRITTEN BY Jodi Amendola Jodi Amendola is CEO of Amendola, an award-winning healthcare and technology public relations and marketing agency based in Scottsdale, AZ. GETTY Ah, social media. Has any invention ever been simultaneously so loved and so hated? The…

  • Trade Shows and Events: Four Ways to Improve Your ROI

    Whether you personally believe trade shows are the land of opportunity or merely a relic of a bygone era where primitive being skulked through the aisles without the benefit of a smartphone, there is no question that they are still a fact of life for many of us. In fact, some (such as, oh, I…