Tag: Elon Musk

  • Branding: Be Yourself, Earn Engagement

    In public relations, there’s a lot of talk about a company’s brand and its messaging – the ideas and public image of the institution and its representatives. The value cannot be overstated. Messaging and branding give a company its identity, making it appear “human” in the eyes of people. It gives anyone interacting with a…

  • In 2020, a “Thought Leader” is just a Regular Person

    The phrase “thought leader” is one that is thrown around a lot in public relations. And it’s understandable: For any public facing organization or business, it’s important to have experts on hand who can speak to the public. However, as someone involved in day-to-day media relations operations at an award-winning PR and marketing agency, I…

  • Beating the Odds When Pitching Trade Show Media Interviews

    It sounds like a simple request: we’re going to be at such-and-such conference or event and we want to secure some media interviews while we’re there. It makes sense, since trade show media interviews have been a staple of public relations pretty much since Glogg launched the wheel at the first Prehistoric Transportation Expo. The…