Tag: Crisis Communications

  • When Slow is the Way To Go in PR and Marketing

    When Slow is the Way To Go in PR and Marketing

    My colleague Philip Anast recently shared some advice from the Wall Street Journal via the Advisory Board regarding situations “where it’s better to slow down at work.” Let’s be honest: In the hyper-paced world of healthcare public relations and marketing, where there’s a product rollout, speaker submission, or awards deadline around every corner, the notion…

  • Why Angry Arnold Should Handle Your Crisis PR

    Why Angry Arnold Should Handle Your Crisis PR

    When looking for a company to illustrate bad PR, United Airlines is an easy choice. From 2009’s lesson in the power of viral video (“United Breaks Guitars”) to suffocating puppies, United can be counted upon to do the wrong thing and then make it worse through horrible PR. Perhaps its worst blunder came in 2017 when a bloodied…

  • How To Plan Communications For Your Next Crisis

    A recent cyberattack on a fuel pipeline has hospital and health system officials rethinking what they need to do better to protect their own networks from breaches and the huge consequences that can result. For communications professionals at such institutions, rehearsing such crisis scenarios and what should follow can be the difference between saving a…

  • Crisis Communications: The PR Emergency Department

    You wake up and reach for your phone. Despite the many times you’ve heard it’s not healthy to check your email before your feet even hit the floor in the morning you immediately check your email. This time, at the top of your inbox, is a message from your biggest client. It came through just…

  • What An Older, More Mature Lebron James Can Teach Us About Crisis Communications

    What An Older, More Mature Lebron James Can Teach Us About Crisis Communications

    In most cities, a sports star leaving to join another team wouldn’t quite reach the level of crisis. No doubt, the world has countless far more serious and urgent problems. But Cleveland’s a little different than most cities. Egos are a bit more fragile here after decades of job loss, population decline, environmental damage, and…

  • Crisis planning can ease tensions during actual events

    Crisis planning can ease tensions during actual events

    A week doesn’t go by without news of a hospital or health system affected by a cyberattack or some other crisis. Coupled with an always-on news cycle and social media ecosystem, a crisis can destroy reputations. While the incidents themselves aren’t always preventable, organizations that thoughtfully do some advance crisis planning can emerge with their…

  • When a social media crisis strikes, what do you do?

    When a social media crisis strikes, what do you do?

    Imagine this: after weeks of planning then pouring time and resources into your social media efforts you are starting to see results. You are gaining new followers and engaging with potential customers. Your efforts are clearly working and just when everything seems like sunshine and rainbows, there it is, loud and proud hate mail plastered…

  • What Can We Learn From United Airlines Flight 3411

    What Can We Learn From United Airlines Flight 3411

    If you had a goal of demonstrating how NOT to handle crisis communications, you couldn’t find a better template than the actions of United Airlines after a flight crew forcibly removed Dr. David Dao from Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville to accommodate its own need to get four of its employees to Louisville for…

  • Vlog: How to Handle a Healthcare Media Crisis

    In this vlog listen to Marcia Rhodes, Regional Managing Director at Amendola Communications, explain why preparing a PR crisis plan is as important as planning a fire escape route.  

  • Reputation is Everything: How 2 Hospitals are Weathering PR Firestorms

    Our own Marcia Rhodes was quoted in the article below, which was originally published on HealthcareDive.com. Although more than 1,000 miles apart, both Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and Jackson Health System in Miami have had an onslaught of bad press recently. One involves criminal sexual abuse allegations, the other a drunken tirade…