Tag: Content

  • AI Prompt Ninjas Of The World Unite!

    AI Prompt Ninjas Of The World Unite!

    Now that some of the initial hype and hysteria surrounding generative AI has ebbed, perhaps it’s time to take a clear-eyed look at what the technology really means to marketing (and specifically, the content creation community). I was on a call with a client recently and, just like so many of these conversations with those…

  • Consistency, Quality Are The Keys To Winning Website Content

    Consistency, Quality Are The Keys To Winning Website Content

    Smart healthcare companies invest in creating a quality digital presence, primary through their websites.  I’ve launched my share of sites over the years and can tell you that a lot of planning, debate, creativity, and effort go into every facet of a company’s website, whether it’s brand new or overdue for a revamp. Decisions must…

  • Taking the Animal House Approach to HIMSS20

    When news came down the Thursday before HIMSS20 was set to begin that the conference had been cancelled due to covid-19 concerns, it was tough to tell whether that loud sigh that rippled across America was relief or exasperation. On the one hand, everyone who was on pins and needles waiting to see if their…