Tag: communication

  • How Vampire Words Suck The Life Out Of Your Business Writing

    How Vampire Words Suck The Life Out Of Your Business Writing

    Imagine your boss issues the following email at the end of the day: “I’m bringing in bagels tomorrow morning.” Yay, bagels! You make a mental note to skip breakfast tomorrow to make room for schmear. Then your boss emails: “I’m going to prioritize bringing in bagels tomorrow morning.” OK, a little less definite, but still…

  • The Key to Creating Successful Podcasts for Your Business

    Podcasting has entered the mainstream. More than one-third (37%) of Americans age 12 and over listen to podcasts at least every month and 24% listen weekly, according to Edison Research. Given that this data is from a report published last March, you can be assured the numbers today are higher. My colleague Brandon Glenn wrote…

  • Don’t Let Emotions Rule “Crucial Conversations”

    There is no shortage of books on communication in the workplace to improve collaboration and maximize teamwork.  Harvard Business Review also provides wonderful, well-researched articles that can help one improve communication and leadership capabilities. But one book that I’ve read and re-read over the years stands out: “Crucial Conversations.”  Perhaps the book stands out as…

  • Let’s Bring the Human Connection Back to Communication

    We’ve all seen articles in the press about overuse of social media and technology by our kids and teens. It’s absolutely pervasive in school, during classes, and in many homes. I’ve had numerous conversations with my high school sophomore about her generation’s overuse of technology as a communications tool and how it’s leading to shortfalls…

  • [Your Business Name] Powered by Communication

    We’ve always heard that communication is key, but in today’s world it’s not only key it can make or break a business. Nearly every minute of every workday we are communicating whether it’s internally with coworkers or trying to close the next big deal with a business prospect. We now have more communication vehicles than…

  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work and Delivers Results

    Teamwork Makes the Dream Work and Delivers Results

    Everyone knows that success is not created in a vacuum. Teamwork permeates everything we do. In sports, we know the names of some standout players, but it is how they work together that delivers wins. In public relations and marketing agencies, clients depend on team members to not only know their craft but serve as…