Tag: Cision

  • 2021 State Of The Press Release: The TL;DR Version

    2021 State Of The Press Release: The TL;DR Version

    There are a few yearly traditions Americans rally behind and await with eager longing and hushed anticipation – birthdays, holidays and the publishing of Cision’s “State of the Press Release” report. The 2021 version of this annual 20-something-page paean to the press release – brought to you by the people who profit the most from…

  • 7 Tips for Making Your Press Release a Success

    Most journalists (36%) still receive their news from the good old press release. As a PR professional, you are responsible for getting the news your client wants to disseminate in front of as many relevant people as possible. But in 2020 when the usual news topics have been turned on their head, how do you…

  • What Journalists Want: We Read Cision’s 2020 State of the Media Report So You Don”™t Have To

    Another year, another Cision “State of the Media” report. The 2020 edition, which represents the 11th annual report in the series, surveyed more than 3,200 journalists from across the globe to provide a picture of today’s media landscape. While much of the yearly report generally reads like PR 101 for experienced public relations professionals, it…

  • The Basics of Healthy, Happy Relationships

    Building relationships with journalists takes time. Smashing them to pieces takes little time at all. One terrible, irrelevant pitch and you could end up on a journalist’s blacklist and that isn’t where you want to be. Because as any good media relations guru will tell you, we need journalists more than they need us. To…

  • Keeping Up with Changes to the AP Stylebook

    The writing “Bible” for public relations is the AP stylebook. Anytime a PR professional (or anyone writing for media publication for that matter) is unsure of what to do, such as whether to capitalize an executive’s title in a press release, a quick glance at the print or online version will provide the correct answer.…