Tag: Appreciation

  • COVID-19 Has Robbed Us of a Lot; Let’s Not Forget the Gift of Gratitude

    COVID-19 brought a year filled with uncertainty, change and lots of hardship. The impact of the pandemic has taken its toll on many of us. With the election behind us, Thanksgiving around the corner, and 2021 ahead, let’s be grateful for the many gifts we have, the successful marketing programs achieved and both our personal…

  • The Value of Gratitude

    The Value of Gratitude

    A Secret “Trick” to Add to Your 2018 PR & Marketing Strategy With Thanksgiving around the corner, it got me thinking”¦one day simply isn’t enough to contemplate all there is to be grateful for. Especially when adding our professional blessings to the mix, like the partners, colleagues and employees who contribute to our success. So…