Tag: AI

  • A Look Into Healthcare’s 2024 Crystal Ball: What Industry Analysts Predict

    A Look Into Healthcare’s 2024 Crystal Ball: What Industry Analysts Predict

    Many of the challenges that healthcare organizations faced in 2023 – inflation, labor shortages, worker burnout, and narrow margins – are likely to persist in 2024. These factors are certain to make for a challenging operating environment, and most healthcare executives are taking a clear-eyed, creative look at how to overcome these looming barriers over…

  • AI Prompt Ninjas Of The World Unite!

    AI Prompt Ninjas Of The World Unite!

    Now that some of the initial hype and hysteria surrounding generative AI has ebbed, perhaps it’s time to take a clear-eyed look at what the technology really means to marketing (and specifically, the content creation community). I was on a call with a client recently and, just like so many of these conversations with those…

  • Are Humans Destined To Be The New Horses? Thoughts On AI In PR

    As artificial intelligence (AI) continues its inexorable march towards consuming more and more jobs previously done by humans, it may be a question of when, rather than if, humans become the new horses. Think, for a minute, about how absolutely essential horses were to the economy 200 years ago. With much of the economy still…