Author: Todd Stein

  • Thought Starters: How A Little Creative Thinking Helped 2 Companies Achieve A Win

    Thought Starters: How A Little Creative Thinking Helped 2 Companies Achieve A Win

    SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. December 13, 2017 Amendola Communications CEO and co-founder Jodi Amendola has been named to PR News list of the Top Women in PR for 2017. The prestigious award recognizes women executives who have made bold advances in managing crises, developing brand messages, protecting and building brand reputations, and creating content for digital platforms.…

  • Fire Your Inner Critic

    Fire Your Inner Critic

    Most of us are our own worst critics. It’s easy to understand why. After all, no one knows us better than us. Who better to uncover and critique all our foibles, follies and failures than our own inner critic? There’s a fine line, of course, between self-criticism and self-awareness. Maturity requires that we view ourselves…

  • The Dog Eat Dog Days of PR in the Internet Age: Part One

    The Dog Eat Dog Days of PR in the Internet Age: Part One

    Who watches the watchdogs? It’s a phrase that conjures the creation of police commissions or intelligence oversight committees. But if you’re a believer in the sanctity of the Fourth Estate (and God knows we need them now more than ever), then the watchdogs who need watching are journalists. And no one watches or analyzes, or…

  • Don’t Judge a Book by Its Sales: Tips for turning your book into a relationship magnet

    Don’t Judge a Book by Its Sales: Tips for turning your book into a relationship magnet

    Why should you write a book? Most busy tech executives have a hundred good reasons why they can’t spare the time for books. Their PR advisers may be tempted to concur since PR performance is judged largely on the quantity of placements secured. After all, why spend months writing one 80,000-word book when you could…

  • 5 of the Greatest Trade Journalists in Healthcare IT

    5 of the Greatest Trade Journalists in Healthcare IT

    One of my favorite pages on Funny Or Die, the online comedy collective launched by Will Ferrell and friends, is their hilarious send-up of listicles. You know listicles  those ubiquitous numbered lists that grab eyeballs by hitchhiking on a sub-culture’s favorite passion. They’re definitely a favorite in Healthcare IT. While most digital editors can only…

  • How to Get Your Startup Covered by the New York Times

    How to Get Your Startup Covered by the New York Times

    In my 12+ years working with CEOs of healthcare technology startups, I can count on a single hand the number of opening discussions that didn’t include this phrase: “We want to be in the New York Times.” The expectation among tech entrepreneurs that the nation’s newspaper of record will jump at the chance to write…