Author: Tim Boivin

  • Should You Bet It All on a Trade Show Launch?

    Should You Bet It All on a Trade Show Launch?

    When it comes to product launches, many companies hang their hat on making a big splash at the biggest trade show in their industry. And then they are disappointed. For those targeting the healthcare IT market, that usually means HIMSS. For those targeting providers, the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) show is often cited as…

  • To the media Thank you for being our friends

    To the media Thank you for being our friends

    “The light which has been shed on mankind by the art of printing has eminently changed the condition of the world.” Thomas Jefferson, writing to John Adams, 1823 There has been a lot of attention paid lately to the rise of “fake” news, alternative facts, and the role a free and open press should play…

  • How your PR team can play winning ball like the Cubs

    How your PR team can play winning ball like the Cubs

    The Associated Press named the Cubs winning the World Series as the top sports story of 2016. Aside from the fact that Captain Obvious must have been moonlighting for the AP sports department this year, there are two critical lessons that PR strategists can take from the Cubs championship season to play winning PR. Have…

  • The rise of sponsored content or is it content marketing or is it native advertising?

    The rise of sponsored content or is it content marketing or is it native advertising?

    The New York Times recently reported on sponsored content becoming King in a Facebook World. Advertisers have discovered that traditional digital advertising, such as banner ads, are too easy to ignore. So instead they are focusing on delivering information not only to the right audience at the right time rules the day, but in a…

  • Climbing Jacob’s Ladder of Analyst Briefings

    Climbing Jacob’s Ladder of Analyst Briefings

    In the Old Testament, Jacob’s Ladder refers to the connection between earth and heaven that Jacob dreams about during his escape from his brother, Esau. Healthcare tech companies dream of a similar ladder the connection between the grounding of their value proposition in the market and the steps up and to the right of their…

  • The Benefits of “Earned” Analyst Relations

    There is still a misconception that persists among many PR and marketing professionals today that analyst briefings are not worth doing unless their organization has a paid subscription with the analyst firms. We often find that analyst relations is one of the first things that marketers want to cross out of our PR proposals. Our…