Author: Marcia Rhodes

  • More than One Way to Milk the PR Machine

    More than One Way to Milk the PR Machine

    After 14 months, dozens of emails, numerous brainstorming sessions not to mention several bottles of Tums my PR team was excited to have our client profiled by Forbes. And then, just like the careful-what-you-wish-for dot-com Super Bowl ad, very quickly the number of article views grew  at last count, it was up to 6,800 online…

  • Vlog: How to Handle a Healthcare Media Crisis

    In this vlog listen to Marcia Rhodes, Regional Managing Director at Amendola Communications, explain why preparing a PR crisis plan is as important as planning a fire escape route.  

  • 5 Ways to Build Credibility with Healthcare Consumers

    5 Ways to Build Credibility with Healthcare Consumers

    Over the last couple of years there has been a significant shift in the way consumers approach healthcare. Rather than viewing it as something to consider when they are sick or injured, more and more they are taking control of their own healthcare choices and focusing on wellness as well. Smartphone apps and watches (or…

  • Be a Media Darling

    by Marcia Rhodes One of the greatest pleasures of my job is conducting media training, and then watching as spokespeople blossom into “Media Darlings”. A media darling is someone who knows how to engage the media by delivering pithy sound bites that reporters love and audiences remember. Being engaging not only helps build your brand,…