Author: Marcia Rhodes

  • What “Earned” Analyst Relations Can Do For You

    What “Earned” Analyst Relations Can Do For You

    Many PR and marketing professionals hold the mistaken belief that analyst briefings are pointless unless their company has a paid subscription with the analyst firm. Analyst relations are frequently one of the first items marketers seek to remove from our PR proposals. We firmly believe it is worthwhile for your organization to conduct an “earned”…

  • 9 Tips For A Great Video Interview

    9 Tips For A Great Video Interview

    Many of our clients who accept an invitation to appear as a guest on a podcast are shocked when they learn that the interview included a video recording that was uploaded to YouTube. Keep in mind that even if the interview is in podcast form, you should always be ready for a possible video interview.…

  • 10 Fast Visual Tips for a Fabulous Zoom Media Interview

    By Stephanie Janard and Marcia Rhodes Congratulations! Your amazingly talented PR team just landed an interview for you on a local or national news program, to be conducted via Zoom. Since you regularly use Zoom for video calls, the interview should be a piece of cake. Right? Well, it’s true that Zoom is arguably the…

  • 6 Ways Trade Outlets Trump National Media for B2B Marketing and PR

    6 Ways Trade Outlets Trump National Media for B2B Marketing and PR

    Whenever we ask clients about their “dream placement,” national media (especially the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal) always top the list. These multi-platform outlets, after all, attract millions of eyeballs on a daily basis. Although there is no denying the substantial publicity boost a mainstream media outlet can bring, trade pubs and…

  • Rhodes Map to Turbocharged Presentations

    Rhodes Map to Turbocharged Presentations

    When it comes to HIMSS Global Conference speaker proposals, Amendola Communications enjoys a 75% win rate. That means that out of 12 speaking abstracts we write and submit on behalf of our clients, nine are accepted. Quite impressive considering that HIMSS has a less than 30% acceptance rate. In fact, for HIMSS18, 742 proposals were…

  • Have press releases seen their day?

    Have press releases seen their day?

    Entrepreneur recently ran a scathing article blasting press releases titled, Is Sending Out a Press Release Really Worth the Money? The article questions the value businesses receive from issuing press releases, calling releases “borderline useless,” serving mainly as a way for PR agencies to fleece clients. I beg to differ. As someone who has been…

  • iN2L Returns to Amendola Communications and Expands Public Relations and Content Program

    SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. Aug. 29, 2017 Amendola Communications, an award-winning healthcare marketing and public relations agency, announced today that It’s Never 2 Late (iN2L), the leader in providing person-centered engagement, content and technology solutions for seniors, has selected Amendola Communications as its agency of record. Amendola will provide a range of public relations and content services…

  • Shadow day at AC gives students a chance to learn about PR first-hand

    Shadow day at AC gives students a chance to learn about PR first-hand

    Public relations is not something easily learned in the classroom. PR/marketing principles and practices are best learned on the job. Amendola Communications recently hosted a “shadow day” five high school students to see what the PR agency world is like and to spark an interest in PR. In this video, the students share what they…

  • Facts Tell But Stories Sell

    “Story telling is the oldest form of teaching,” Matt Cavallo declared when we met on May 23. I couldn’t agree more. Great story telling has always intrigued me. Maybe that’s why I’m in PR. I have always believed that behind every organization is a zealous individual with an epic story waiting to be shared. It’s…

  • How to Make the News, Even When You’re Not the Headline

    How to Make the News, Even When You’re Not the Headline

    Many companies hire PR agencies because they want to make the news, i.e., see their stories splashed on the front pages of USA Today or the Wall Street Journal or featured in a top-tier technology publication. Such a media hit rarely happens overnight, as the bar for a solo feature profile is incredibly high. To…