Author: Morgan Lewis

  • Write 200 Lousy Words Per Day, That’s It

    Writing is drudgery for many people, which is part of the reason our clients let us do some of that writing for them. Often, the hardest part is just getting started, even if you write for a living. As I’ve described before in this blog, at the start of a writing project we may become…

  • Top 5 Blog Posts of 2020: The More Things Change…

    COVID-19 left no industry unscathed in 2020 (well, except maybe Wall Street). One of the hardest-hit industries was healthcare, which is Amendola’s specialty. Throughout the year, we posted blogs with helpful advice about adjusting to the massive changes occurring in the economy and how to steer your organization when so much was uncertain. Well, judging…

  • Research: Be Careful What You Link To

    Stats and other evidence can look great at first, but after a little digging…not so much A big part of the content we create for clients, whether it is a blog post, bylined article, white paper, or even an infographic, is research. It can be a collaborative process where the client will recommend statistics or…

  • How to Write During a Pandemic

    Writing is difficult, especially when you work from home, as many of us do here at Amendola. As I write this, for example, the COVID-19 virus pandemic is sweeping across the U.S., with New York City and Louisiana emerging as hot spots. I point that out for two reasons: To show that we at Amendola…

  • 5 Biggest PR Fails of 2019

    In our 24-hour news cycle increasingly driven by social media virality — public relations disasters occur and are crowded out so quickly that many people, including me, don’t even notice them. In 2019, there have been a few exceptions to that rule, which are listed below. These companies and individuals didn’t just commit one PR…

  • Opinion Pieces: Take a Stand to Stand Out

    In public relations, we work with most of our clients on thought leadership bylined articles. These articles frequently include the client’s opinions, most often about how healthcare provider organizations or payers can improve productivity, efficiency, patient care and other aspects of running their businesses. In healthcare business-to-business PR, however, we rarely get the opportunity to…

  • Mobile is Overtaking TV: Keep Content Short

    According to study results that likely surprised no one, Americans now spend more time on mobile devices than watching TV. Research and analysis firm eMarketer estimates that U.S. adults will spend 3 hours, 43 minutes on mobile devices in 2019, just above the 3 hours and 35 minutes spent watching TV. Most of that mobile…

  • Why Are You Reading This?

    News Flash: There is a lot of written content on the web. That means it is challenging to grab a reader’s attention and even more difficult to hold it. One study, from way back in 2014, found online readers generally click away after 15 seconds. Five years and billions of smartphones later, it’s probably closer…

  • Amendola Communications Top 10 Blog Posts of 2018

    Amendola Communications’ blog is designed to share our knowledge of public relations and marketing communications, but also to help other marketing professionals gain an understanding of how PR can and should be integrated into their campaigns. Based on our blog’s most-viewed posts of 2018, it appears readers are interested in a much broader variety of…