Author: Matt Schlossberg

  • Reverse Engineer Your Story-Telling

    A couple of years ago, a client of mine who launched a health IT startup, marveled at the number of healthcare entrepreneurs who came up with a cool idea and then went in search of a market for it. In most cases, he told me, this approach found them struggling to find a toe-hold. The…

  • Making HIMSS19 Count

    This year’s HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition (aka HIMSS19) in Orlando will be my eleventh seven as a HIMSS staffer and four as a public relations liaison for vendor clients. The HIMSS Annual Conference has become the NFL of health IT there is no real offseason and it gets bigger every year. For the past…

  • The Anatomy of a Successful Pitch

    The Anatomy of a Successful Pitch

    Nothing fills me with existential dread like sitting down to write a media pitch. Give me the sweet relief of an 800-word byline ghostwritten under a soul-crushing deadline. Bury me under the gigabyte of bone-dry peer-reviewed research I need to complete an immensely complex white paper. Let me spend eight hours hacking through a labyrinthine…

  • Analyst Briefings Best Practices

    Analyst Briefings Best Practices

    Earned media bylines and interviews get the most attention in healthcare public relations programs, but in many ways analyst briefings are even more critical to companies navigating a noisy and fiercely competitive marketplace. Admittedly, analyst reports don’t have the curb appeal of a slick vendor profile in a top-drawer health IT publication. But they make…

  • When Worlds Collide: Is the Merging of PR and Marketing a Good Thing?

    When Worlds Collide: Is the Merging of PR and Marketing a Good Thing?

    Before social media, cross-platform campaigns and general business trends toward greater economy and efficiency of services, public relations and marketing though often collaborators were two distinct disciplines. Despite a kind of “kissing cousins” relationship, each had its own mission and purpose. In today’s world, however, public relations and marketing are connected in ways that are…

  • The Most Amazing Blog You’ll Ever Read

    The Most Amazing Blog You’ll Ever Read

    “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but the stories you tell.” Seth Godin Roaming the Exhibit Hall at HIMSS17 last year, I found a truly unique healthcare solution. It solves seemingly intractable problems with uncommon grace and simplicity. It’s intuitive, innovative and disruptive. I predict that it will ascend the rarefied…

  • Fostering A Culture of Transparency

    Fostering A Culture of Transparency

    On the night of November 2, 2016, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, ending the longest drought in the history of American sports OK, before I continue a caveat. This isn’t going to be another metaphorical sports-as-insert-unrelated-industry-here blog post. I’m not going to compare media relations to a clean-up hitter nor end this piece…

  • The Elephant in the Room: Policy and Politics in Healthcare PR

    The Elephant in the Room: Policy and Politics in Healthcare PR

    The Day After Wednesday, November 9, about 6am. Bleary eyed, I throw back a couple cups of black coffee and start collating and reviewing my notes, observations and potential talking points on the election results and their affect on healthcare PR before making phone calls and firing off e-mails to clients. The GOP had captured…

  • Prepping Healthcare Vendor Customers for Public Relations

    Prepping Healthcare Vendor Customers for Public Relations

    It happens to healthcare vendors all the time… It’s a great day at the office. Your sales team inks a deal with a major client. Your development team tells you that a recent implementation has been an earth-shattering success. An industry-renowned customer casually mentions to your CEO that your company’s platform should be an industry…