Author: Linda Healan

  • How to Maximize Exposure for Your HIMSS20 Sessions that Never Happened

    In the wake of HIMSS20 being cancelled, many people whose HIMSS presentations were accepted for this year’s conference are lamenting the fact that the sessions that they worked so hard to get accepted won’t be given. Let’s face it, there is a ton of work that goes into submitting presentations for HIMSS, including the process…

  • Let’s Bring the Human Connection Back to Communication

    We’ve all seen articles in the press about overuse of social media and technology by our kids and teens. It’s absolutely pervasive in school, during classes, and in many homes. I’ve had numerous conversations with my high school sophomore about her generation’s overuse of technology as a communications tool and how it’s leading to shortfalls…

  • September A Great Time to Begin Planning 2020 PR Budgets

    September A Great Time to Begin Planning 2020 PR Budgets

    It’s September. The kids are back to school and summer vacations are over. It’s the time of the year when our clients start planning their PR budgets for 2020. What are some considerations for you to make when planning your company’s public relations budget? Here’s a list of a few to consider: Know your goals.…

  • Getting To Your Happy Place at HIMSS19

    HIMSS19 is fast approaching and for a successful conference, you are likely already planning and preparing. The Amendola team is in full swing preparing clients for the big show in Orlando, from product announcements, media kit development and booth collateral to social media campaigns and on-site support for press interviews and analyst briefings. We’ve written…

  • Content Calendar:  A Key Component to any Strategic PR Plan

    Content Calendar: A Key Component to any Strategic PR Plan

    Oftentimes public relations professionals think of content calendars as a tool for marketing communications programs. Having an internal editorial calendar is absolutely important for any content program. Since an integrated public relations campaign has evolved from just media relations, PR pros should also consider a content calendar as part of their overall strategic PR plan.…

  • Integrity in Public Relations For our Clients, the Media and the Profession

    Integrity in Public Relations For our Clients, the Media and the Profession

    Recently, I heard someone speak about Integrity and the importance of having it in all aspects of your life. It might sound like a simple concept, but when someone, especially someone in a leadership or advisory role, doesn’t apply integrity in their life, there seems to be a great deal of fall-out. And let’s face…

  • The importance of feedback in PR from media, to writing to client relationships

    The importance of feedback in PR from media, to writing to client relationships

    Like many around the world, I enjoyed watching the Winter Olympic Games. I love the fanfare of the competition, tracking medal counts and seeing well-known athletes winning gold again. Shaun White is my hero! Like many around the world, I enjoyed watching the Winter Olympic Games. I love the fanfare of the competition, tracking medal…