Author: Ken Krause

  • The Myth of the Global PR Agency

    The Myth of the Global PR Agency

    One of the most persistent myths in public relations is the concept of the global PR agency. As it’s generally thought of, a global PR agency would be one where a homogenous team of like-minded PR experts spread out in offices all over the world works together to deliver outstanding, cohesive results in every market…

  • When it Comes to Health IT Marketing, Tell the Time

    When it Comes to Health IT Marketing, Tell the Time

    Long before I entered the world of health IT marketing, I remember my father telling me “Ask an engineer what time it is and he’ll tell you how the clock was made.” I don’t actually recall the reason he said it although there must’ve been one since he wasn’t one to speak in adages normally …

  • So, You Got Stuck Creating a Marketing Newsletter

    So, You Got Stuck Creating a Marketing Newsletter

    It’s happened to me. It’s happened to my friends. Sooner or later it happens to just about everyone in marketing communications. Someone (usually someone who doesn’t have to execute it) decides, “Hey, let’s create a marketing newsletter!” and the next thing you know it’s your job to pull it together out of cotton candy and…

  • The Hidden Value a Great Healthcare/Health IT PR Agency Brings

    The Hidden Value a Great Healthcare/Health IT PR Agency Brings

    When healthcare and health IT organizations send out an RFP, they tend to think in terms of things they want targeted agencies to do. They tend to talk in terms of deliverables, e.g., write and distribute X number of press releases, perform media and analyst relations, secure speaking opportunities, write case studies and so forth.…

  • What HIT Writing Needs is More Cowbell

    What HIT Writing Needs is More Cowbell

    When I first started writing on healthcare and health IT (HIT) topics, one of the pieces of advice I was given was that anything I write should keep in mind that the audience is highly educated, with advanced degrees and serious mindsets. Basically Ferris Buehler’s teacher. Buehler? Buehler? But if the headline to this blog…