Author: Julie Donnelly

  • 6 Pitfalls of Email Pitching

    6 Pitfalls of Email Pitching

    Clients often wonder how a PR agency can get reporters to read email pitches. It’s basically a combination of art, science, and alchemy definitely not for the faint of heart. When I was the healthcare reporter for the Boston Business journal, I got an average of 300-400 emails per day. In the run up to…

  • 3 Ways Healthcare Companies Can Lead with Empathy

    3 Ways Healthcare Companies Can Lead with Empathy

    There is a persistent stereotype of public relations professionals as “spin doctors.” We’re hired guns aiming to put lipstick on a pig, pull the wool over someone’s eyes, or <insert any other cliched maxim here>. The last thing we would do is tell clients to lead with empathy, telling honest stories from the heart. In…

  • Your Brand: What Healthcare Can Learn from Disney and Keen Shoes

    It takes years to build brand equity, and just an instant to tarnish it. The best brands know the brand must drive every interaction with stakeholders, including investors, the media and the public. Failing to “lead with the brand” may result in lost opportunities to create loyal ambassadors. One crucial make-or-break moment for many brands…

  • What the Princess Bride Can Teach Republicans About Health Reform PR

    What the Princess Bride Can Teach Republicans About Health Reform PR

    Dear Republicans, welcome to the Health Reform PR Fire Swamp (HRPRFS)! Like the Fire Swamp from the Princess Bride, the HRPRFS features several obstacles that did tremendous damage to the Affordable Care Act. As Republicans are hurtling forward with their ACA replacement bill, now called the American Health Care Act, it’s time to reflect on…

  • 5 Keys to Building a Brand

    5 Keys to Building a Brand

    Clients have high hopes when they first engage a public relations firm. Building a brand will mean interviews with the Wall Street Journal! Blogs that go viral on Facebook and Twitter! Appearances on CNN! And well they should. After all, clients are paying good money for marketing and PR services, and they should get results.…

  • 8 Tips to Become a Candid CEO

    8 Tips to Become a Candid CEO

    We recently wrote about PR tips from the Donald, whose strategy continues to be, it seems, any PR is good PR.  It baffles many media watchers how Trump can continue to enjoy broad public appeal even when many of his statements turn out to be less than 100 percent truthful. One of Trump’s secrets is…