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Health Catalyst’s leadership team wanted to build awareness for their Late-Binding enterprise data warehouse and analytics platform, while positioning their leadership team as visionary resources in the healthcare industry. They chose Amendola to help them develop a comprehensive content marketing program, which was amplified by robust public relations and social media efforts. To date, the successful program has resulted in more than 140 media placements, 10 top-tier awards, multiple high-profile speaking opportunities and the production of more than 100 pieces of valuable content.


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It’s Never 2 Late (iN2L) engaged Amendola to help raise awareness of the company’s senior-friendly computing products and services. Amendola developed an organic social media program designed to educate people about the company’s technology and enable the firm to reach and engage with customers and prospects from around the globe. In the first six months of the program, iN2L saw significant growth and engagement across their social profiles.


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Amendola Communications was hired to create awareness surrounding the launch of SKYGEN USA, the newly created umbrella brand that would unite a family of individual companies. Amendola developed public relations and content marketing programs that highlighted the synergies of working with multiple technology solution and benefit management organizations under a single banner, while also bringing new energy to the individual company brands.


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Amendola helped HealthTrio establish its identity as a provider of plug-and-play solutions that help health plans and TPAs run their businesses more efficiently.
Amendola delivered both company and solution messaging, logos, marketing collateral, tradeshow booth design and the press release to support the very successful Smart Series launch at America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) Institute in 2015.


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Phytel turned to Amendola to develop a strategic communication plan to help position the company as the industry leader in population health management. In addition to securing multiple speaking opportunities at prominent industry events and dozens of media interviews that resulted in placements, Amendola delivered more than 50 pieces of high-value content including case studies, byline articles, blog posts and press releases. These efforts helped Phytel build a strong reputation in the market, which ultimately led to the company’s acquisition by IBM.


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Initially, Physicians Interactive hired Amendola to help it launch the Omnio mHealth clinical information application for healthcare professionals. When PI was purchased by a top life science company’s venture capital fund, the focus of the PR program quickly shifted to a thought leadership campaign to support its global growth strategy. Amendola developed a framework for cohesive, consistent, unified and positive messages for PI’s internal and external audiences, along with a robust public relations program that supported the company’s expansion efforts.


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When Medicity wanted to reposition the company as the leading health information exchange solution provider, Amendola’s cross-functional communications teams developed a comprehensive plan that included PR, marketing and social media campaigns. In the first year following the campaigns, the company experienced exponential market growth and widespread industry recognition, which resulted in the company’s acquisition by Aetna.


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When CIGNA HealthCare and Aetna both announced expanding national availability of RelayHealth’s secure online messaging solution including reimbursable webVisit consultations to physicians and members, RelayHealth engaged Amendola to bring the news to the national spotlight. Amendola developed a PR campaign that targeted major markets across the U.S., generating coverage in major news outlets including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and The Today Show on NBC.


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With less than three months before its annual conference, Health 2.0 realized they needed outside assistance to help boost their attendance and called on Amendola Communications to get the job done. The team quickly got to work, creating buzz through strategic social media initiatives, comprehensive PR outreach, and key alignment with industry partners. The effort generated 41% more event registrations than goal, and culminated in a long-term partnership between Health 2.0 and Amendola.


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Dermacare Laser Skincare Clinics turned to Amendola to help brand the company and recruit physicians nationally to join their franchise. Our experienced public relations pros developed a strategic and tactical, national business-to-business program designed to drive awareness. Coverage in top media outlets including the New York Times and Wall Street Journal helped drive qualified leads and accelerate clinic expansions.

